STM32/ARM Cortex-M3 HOWTO: Development under Ubuntu (Debian)
It's always fun to get mail from nice guys like your self,
but there is other ways to communicate as well,
for example if you have found a problem in one of the main projects
on this site there is a possibility to report a issue over at github.
FunTechCortexMX_gcc- issues
FunTechCortexMX_test - issues
FunTechCortexMX_TemplateProject - issues
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function link_ext() on null in /customers/9/b/5/
Stack trace:
#0 /customers/9/b/5/ page->getFoot()
#1 {main}
thrown in /customers/9/b/5/ on line 62